The rubber history of rubber O-rings

In 1736, French scientist Condamin brought back detailed information about rubber trees from Peru and published "Travel History in the Interior of South America", which detailed the origin of rubber trees, the method of collecting latex and the use of rubber, which attracted people's attention.

In 1763, the French Mecca invented a solvent that could soften rubber.

In 1888, the British Deng Lubian invented the steam tire,

In 1895, the production of automobiles began, and the rise of the automobile industry triggered a huge demand for rubber, and the price of rubber soared. In 1897, Huang Dele, director of the Singapore Botanical Garden, invented the continuous rubber cutting method of rubber trees, which greatly increased rubber production. Thus, the wild rubber tree has become an important cash crop cultivated in large areas.

In 1493, the great Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus set foot on South America for the first time. Here the Spaniards saw Indian children and youths playing a game in which they sang and threw at each other a ball which, when it hit the ground, bounced very high and, if squeezed in the hand, felt sticky and had a smoky smell. The Spaniards also saw that the Indians put some white thick liquid on their clothes, which were imperishable in rainy days; Also put this white thick liquid on the feet, rainy water will not get wet feet. As a result, the Spaniards initially understood the elasticity and water resistance of rubber, but did not really understand the source of rubber.

In 1693, French scientist Laconda went to South America and saw indigenous people playing with this ball, scientists and military thinking and vision are different, traced the bottom of the investigation of this ball, only to learn that this ball is cut a kind of Indians called "rubber" trees and thick liquid produced. In 1876, the British Weikehan narrowly survived, collected 70,000 rubber seeds from the tropical jungle of the Amazon River, sent to the Royal Kew Botanical Garden in London, England, and then shipped rubber seedlings to Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, India and Western Asia and other places to plant and achieve success. By 2004, the world's artificial cultivation of natural rubber has been successful for 128 years.

In 1904, Dao Anren, the Dai native of Ganyya (now Yingjiang County) in Yunnan Province, China, bought 8,000 rubber seedlings from Singapore and brought them back to China to plant in Fenghuang Mountain, a new town in Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, at 24° north latitude.

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