JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
  • JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
  • JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
  • JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
  • JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
  • JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals
  • JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal - Forever Seals

JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal

  • Temperature: -200 - +80℃

  • Material: UPE, PCTFE

  • Pressure: 3.45MPa

  • Application: LNG nozzle

  • Stock is available

1. Description

JC Carter Nozzle Spring Enegized Seal use the UHMWPE (UPE) jacket and Ultra-low temperature alloy spring. The lowest temperature resistance is -198℃. The life is 4500~6000 times. The seals are suitable for Carter, Macro, TRUFLOW, Locus nozzle.

2. Product display



3. Advantage

Mature spring yield strength lifting process

fatigue test≥6500 times(Liquid nitrogen temperature)

Good dynamic and static sealing

resistance to chemical attack

Low friction coefficient, effective wear reduction, self-lubricating, very good dry friction characteristics

Anti-aging, no permanent elastic deformation

Presssure: ≤30MPa

Temperature: -200℃ ~80℃

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