FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
  • FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
  • FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
  • FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
  • FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
  • FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals
  • FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/VITON O-Ring - Forever Seals

FEP/PFA encapsulated FKM O-Ring

Temperature: -20 - +200℃

Material: FEP encapsulated FKM

Color: Black

Pressure: 1500psi

1. Description

This encapsulated O-Ring is produced from silicone or fluorocarbon with a seamless FEP jacket. These seals can solve sealing problems due to their chemical resistance coupled with elastic properties and low friction. Available to ISO 3601, AS 568 and BS 4518 and other standards including hollow and square sections. Available in both inch and metric sizes.

2. Materials

FKM or silicone is used as the material for the core of the encapsulated O-ring. EPDM is not recommended due to heat-related changes during the manufacturing process. FKM and silicone withstand these temperatures during production without a decline in performance.

FKM core – FKM (black) features very good rubber-elastic qualities. FKM has the capacity to re-assume its original form after its deformation thanks to its outstanding compression


Silicone core – The silicone core (mostly red) is considerably softer than an FKM core. In turn, it is more temperatureresistant. In addition to its superb thermal resistance, it has very good cold flexibility.

FEP encapsulation – FEP (fluorinated ethylene propylene) gives an O-ring its tremendous characteristics relating to its resistance to nearly all liquids, gases and chemicals. The exceptions are liquid alkali metals and some fluorine compounds.

PFA encapsulation – Perfluoroalkoxy copolymer (PFA) resembles FEP in its areas of application. It is distinguished by improved cold flow properties and optimized mechanical

qualities at higher temperatures. 

3. Product display

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FPE encapsulated FKM产品详图-1.jpg

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